Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jocelyns party

This is my Princess at her Cinderella Birthday party. She wanted to be a princess and told me she had to wear a crown and a dress so she looked like one also. I can't believe she is three now and changing so much. She is so smart and loves still going to school two days a week. When i would pick her up from school she would always ask madison if she had homework then would continue to tell me that she did too. If madison was doing work then Jocelyn thought she needed homework too. She loves to be taught then to change roles and be the teacher teaching us our numbers, shapes, colors, and even addition. We love how grown up she is becoming if we can just get these spur of the moment temper tantrums out of the way. She is a great big sister to Jonas though we still have to work on sharing daily and not screaming in his face if he takes something away. She loves to be the boss of madison telling her "she cannot go outside and play, you hear me?" i wonder where she gets that from. I learned very quickly what phrases I say alot that she picks up on and that is one of them. Along with "do u understand me" "you hear me" and "be quiet". I look forward to the changes another year will bring with her in our lives. I love you my lil girl!

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Friday, April 3, 2009

1st hair cut!!

I never have anything to write about but i figured this was something to remember. Jonas got his first hair cut, we thought it was about time to get the hair out of his eyes, trim up the mullet he had going, and get it away from his ears. He went from my little baby to a little man in the matter of minutes. D did a great job and was very patient with him. Poppy took him and fed him apple juice while D cut away. He is too cute! Click to see larger.

What a lil man I now have!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

more jocey-isms

Jocelyn says some of the funniest things everyday and i want to remember them so writing them down is the best way. One day Salomon was picking on me playing around and Jocelyn always comes to my rescue and on this day she turned and looked at him, placed her hand on his stomach, and said "hey, whats yur problem?" another time while a conversation was going on with madison she said "madison, i think she's crazy" when she sees a certain commercial she also says "he's crazy" quiet often she says "wat tu talkin bout?" she is quiet the little mamma always acting like she is older than madison telling her "madison time to do yur homwurk" "madison no watch tv...k" "madison only water no jugo" the other day a man asked how old she ways i replied with "she will be three in april" she corrected me with "NO i'm 2" and he said "2 going on 6" then right after that she told me she was going to go find tata (in walmart) she didn't need help. the women around me said oh just wait until she is 15 and i said she will be locked in her room more than like until she is 18. she keeps us laughing probably when we should be correcting her instead but i can't help but laugh a little. like right now she is bossing madison to get off the bed and get the ball that JOCELYN dropped and again and again..... we love those girls!

a day at the park

Jocelyn loves deer so we knew that at the Grannis park they always have a few. When deer are caught because they are injured or not able to take care of themself in the forest they are placed in the grannis park. These are a few that we saw and they loved the apples we fed them. Jocelyn was not afraid to stick her hand in the fence and let the doe lick her fingers and arm. Jocelyn and Madison love to ride four wheelers so it was a beautiful day for them to enjoy a little of that also. Jonas loves baseball caps like his daddy so they are my two cute men in caps. Jonas does pull his off a little better though. He is such a sweet baby and growing like crazy. He loves baby food, banana puffs, playing with all the girls toys, chewing on their pet shop heads, barbie shoes, and anything else he can find while army crawling around and turning in circles gets him pretty far.
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday TaTa

Loving siblings..... one of the few moments when know one is, screaming, fighting bc they aren't sharing or getting their way, hungry or tired.

Jonas loves baseball caps. We found an old one of madisons when she was little and he never touched it so we knew we had to find him one. Today we went to Texarkana and found him one in childrens place it says "super cool" he hasn't taken it off yet.

Today is my mom's birthday. My dad cooked some wonderful fajitas and my aunt made a huge German chocolate cake. Having a wonderful evening wishing the Bartell Family and CJ were here though.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Old blog

I blogged from 2006 to 2008 @ you can visit there if you would like. I will now be here for now on. Next post to come soon. (maybe)